Socialists submit request to impeach president

Socialists submit request to impeach president
Parliamentary law committee has launched the procedure for the impeachment of the President of Republic today by accepting the request signed by 55 lawmakers.

Socialist Party whip, Taluant Balla has provided the committee with the main arguments behind this request. According to the socialist official, the president’s decision to cancel the elections violates the constitution and the right of citizens to vote within the deadlines set by the law.

Meanwhile, the head of the parliamentary law committee said that this request will be discussed in a special session which will take place on 24 June. This procedure will be finalized and voted on 26 June, after which it will be sent to parliament to be debated in a plenary session.

While parliament has launched procedures for the president’s impeachment, the Constitutional Court is the only institution that will have the final say on this matter. /E.I/